Y-Bình is based on the indigenous land of the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples.

Y-Bình Nguyễn (they/she) is a proud daughter of American War in Vietnam refugees, descendent from a rural farming community in An Giang, Việt Nam, and situated in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Y-Bình’s poetry and prose focuses on eco-resistance sci-fi, transgenerational trauma & healing, critical compassion, queer coming of age love stories, diaspora hustles and bustles, ancestral memory, and visionary fiction. They write to recognize the power of making space for past, present, and future ancestors to heal and build new worlds. Y-Binh particularly likes to find the heroes in the esoteric aunties, shy siblings, and liberated queer cousins—while unearthing stories of resistance and solidarity.

They were in the inaugural cohort of artists for the Lawrence Arts Collective, as the Writer-in-Residence at El Taller Bookstore & Café. Y-Binh also co-founded Exposed Brick Literary Magazine & Hai Bá Nguyễn. Currently they are in the process of making the makerspace more accessible to the community at Lawrence Arts House.

As a passionate educator with a praxis of communal learning, one of Y-Binh’s favorite places in the world to teach and learn is Mamelodi, South Africa. On sunny days, you can find them relearning how to grow ancestral plants, cooking with their mẹ, teaching ceramic in The Garden, and figuring out how to be the best role model for her younger sisters (Bảo Trân and pup Nieves).